10801 Sector 12 / recinto 2 / UE-12030 Sector 12 Unreliable dating

Transpose Trespuentes 01191 Alava


Coordinates -/-/150

Stratum excavation completion: 13/06/2005

Position: SECTOR 12/2/12030


Material: Vaso de vidrio

Engraving: Base

Chronology: the formation of the stratum would be later than 1954, as it was configured by the partial collapse of the cantiles left after the excavation of G. Nieto. The material was mostly from Roman times but in secondary arrangement, having been relocated by the erosion of its original archaeological stratigraphy. In any case, stratigraphy cannot provide reliable data on graphites here.

Theme: General Drawings/Drawings


Three schematic figurative scenes separated by vertical and horizontal strokes. On the left are two anthropomorphic figures, one standing and the other crouching. A vertical stroke separates it from the scene on the right with two anthropomorphic figures standing. A horizontal stroke separates it from another scene below it, with two other anthropomorphic figures.

Enclosures (see found oysters)


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